Our “one face to the client” approach


Our “one face to the client” approach sets us apart from the rest. Our clients have a designated contact person who ensures that the complete range of Rödl & Partner services is optimally employed to the client’s benefit. The ‘caring partner’ is always close at hand; they identify the client’s needs and points to be resolved. The ‘caring partner’ is naturally also the main contact person in critical situations. They thus build a bridge between our client and our experts at Rödl & Partner:

The task: What does our caring partner do?

They are “our moderator” between the clients and us. As the first point of contact for clients and colleagues, they coordinates the mandate:
  • Brings suitable colleagues into contact with clients
  • Regular contact with the client
  • Ongoing determination of advisory needs


Our caring partner ensures the quality of advisory by selecting the appropriate specialists for the task in question, ensuring that the agreed upon schedule is maintained and that the reporting structure is consistent and integrated.


Who is the caring partner?

Our caring partner can come from any service line and should be a Partner or head of office. In professional areas, our caring partner has to be a certified professional (attorney, tax consultant, auditor).

How many caring partners are there?

Added value for our clients

Our clients should be able to fully concentrate on their core business. For these challenges, they need a real caring partner who acts across borders without friction losses.

With our “one face to the client” approach, we ensure that our clients no longer have to coordinate with multiple contact persons and can maximise profits through increasing efficiency and a leaner, more transparent structure.


Therefore, Rödl & Partner is the agile caring partner for Mittelstand shaped world market leaders.



Contact Person Picture

Petar Grujicic-Hauck

Deputy Head of Corporate Communications

+49 911 9193 2852

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