
A successful start: Welcome Day

Our Welcome Day takes place once a quarter - an important part of the traditional onboarding process at Rödl & Partner. Once again, we had the pleasure of welcoming all new colleagues to our head office in Nuremberg. The Welcome Day offers insights into the company structures, new impulses, as well as space for discussion and valuable encounters. A great start for the new colleagues.

The event began with a warm welcome from Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl (Chairman of the Executive Board) and
Petar Grujicic-Hauck (Deputy Head of Corporate Communications). The participants were given an exciting insight into the development and values of the company. Rödl & Partner’s success factors were discussed and the company’s history was outlined. It is hard to believe that the now internationally active company was founded in 1977 in the basement of a detached house in Nuremberg as a one-man law firm.


After an informative detour on the topics of core brand values and the “caretaker principle”, the individual business areas of Rödl & Partner introduced themselves. To demonstrate our interdisciplinary approach, an M&A case study was presented. At this point at the latest, it was clear to all participants that the specialist areas of legal advice, tax advice, business process outsourcing, corporate and IT advice and auditing are closely interlinked and can therefore create added value for clients. However, it also became clear that cooperation is not linear. Consultations with the other business divisions are the order of the day in order to be able to offer the best possible support for the client.


After a series of presentations, the interactive part began. The get-to-know-you bingo in particular proved to be a real highlight, not only providing fun, but above all promoting team spirit and the exchange of ideas. In the afternoon, the individual service units then introduced themselves in more detail and reported on their processes, which usually take place somewhat more quietly in the background of the company. Rödl & Partner’s sustainability measures also proved to be particularly exciting.


The event concluded with a presentation by Martin Wambach (Managing Partner), in which he also shared some of his own experiences. In his decades-long career at Rödl & Partner, he has helped shape many things and, above all, has been present at many major milestones in the company’s history. He inspires others with his positive manner. However, the Welcome Day was not only characterized by informative presentations, but also by inspiring conversations and valuable networking opportunities. Participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other and with experienced colleagues.


All in all, after a long but very informative day, it can be said that Rödl & Partner immediately makes you feel welcome and in good hands. A big thank you goes to everyone who made this special day an unforgettable experience. The Welcome Day was not only a successful start for the new team members, but also a symbol of living team culture.

The Welcome Day is a great opportunity to see Rödl & Partner's “one company” concept in action right from the start. The fact that new colleagues from all career levels and departments spend the day together immediately conveys that interdisciplinarity and team spirit are very important here. All in all, the Welcome Day offers a great platform for direct networking and a good overview of the wide range of services at Rödl & Partner.

Mario RaabAssociate Transaction & Valuation Services

I was particularly impressed by the tangibly appreciative and open corporate culture, the diversity that is practiced, the outstanding professional and personal expertise of my colleagues and the future-oriented focus on the “people-client market”. A company with a stable foundation of values, innovative strategic orientation, trusting relationships and team spirit. New employees are given an easy start thanks to a pioneering onboarding process. Transparent information and actively designed interactions create interdisciplinary connections that enable us to contribute our strengths right from the start and provide outstanding service to our clients.

Claudia HeckhäuserPartner Auditing

The Welcome Day is more than just one day! I was able to learn a lot about Rödl & Partner and gain many insights into the respective departments. The “speed dating” broke the ice and I was able to make lots of new contacts with new colleagues.

Jessica MüllerTeam assistant

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