In my opinion, professional development happens automatically – with a little luck – when finding a fitting job, a fitting team, and a fitting manager – and that is the case for me at Rödl & Partner.
Head of Training & Development
What challenges are there in the process?
Challenges always happen when something doesn’t go according to plan, for example a kid falls ill, you aren’t fit yourself and the childcare by other family members or the kindergarten is spontaneously not available.
I have always found these situations burdening. Whereas, I would say that it has become easier for me to accept: “That’s how it is, my child is ill, I can’t change that and therefore I sadly can’t take part in this meeting today.”
Especially the last pandemic year, with approximately 6 months of home-schooling a first grader and home office felt like a massive challenge for me. It helped to not be too strict with myself in this time. I didn’t blame myself when the younger one spent the whole day in his pyjamas and watched more TV than is actually good for him, when dinner was frozen pizza, or the house was looking terrible…. In such phases one shouldn’t stress oneself due to perfectionism – instead one should try to enjoy the little wonderful moments in those trying times.
Do you have a tip for female colleagues that want to advance their careers while simultaneously still putting focus on their family?
For me, family is very important. I couldn’t have chosen between family and career. My professional and personal development were always significant for me too, but having a career isn’t something I would have wanted for any price. In my opinion, professional development resp. a career happens automatically – with a little luck – when finding a fitting job, a fitting team, and a fitting manager – and that is the case for me at Rödl & Partner. Luckily, I have a job that brings me joy (nearly) every day, a wonderful, supportive team, and a manager that I really hold in high esteem. For me those factors lead on one hand to being myself – authentic, honest, without warping myself – and on the other hand to being ready to give a lot and cross lines to reach professional goals.
I am aware that not every colleague can say for themselves to also have found the fitting role, fitting team, and fitting manager for achieving compatibility of career and family. It is important to be honest with one’s manager and colleagues regarding needs stemming from the family situation and at the same time having an honest interest in the needs of one’s manager and colleagues. Compatibility is not a one-way street; everyone must actively work for it.
In general, it is helpful for me to continuously reflect on myself and to try to be more relaxed regarding professional goals and familial perfectionism. Otherwise, the balancing act between career and family would be too strenuous.
Thank you, Anke, for your personal insights and your inspiring impressions.