
Diversity Day 2023

For the third time, on May 23 2023, our action day took place in honor of the German Diversity Day. Under the motto ‘Strengthening Equal Opportunities,’ our diversity network prepared an interesting and diverse program.

Alongside input from the network and management, our keynote speaker, Fatima Hussain, shared her experiences on the topic of ‘Unconscious Bias’ with the participants.

Unconscious bias encompasses our preconceived judgments and perceptual distortions, which every individual possesses. Through categorizations, we can process new information more quickly and reduce complexity. While this can be advantageous in certain situations, it also leads to unintentional discrimination and pigeonholing of people. Mindfulness and open dialogue are the initial steps to becoming aware of our unconscious biases and, in the second step, making more objective decisions.

Equally important is creating role models within the organization:

When female partners are visible within the company for young female professionals, it is encouraging and creates role models in the ‘sea of dark blue suits'

Judith Moneke-SchmidtTeamlead Employer Branding

We consider respectful and appreciative interaction with one another essential. Therefore, we equally advocate for our employees and society. As a family-oriented company, fostering social cohesion is close to our hearts.

Our commitment to fighting discrimination and promoting greater equality extends beyond the Diversity Day – throughout the year, we engage in various groups and initiatives to address these important issues.

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