During my interview at Rödl & Partner, I was promised flat hierarchies, a young and dynamic team, proximity to the client and excellent development opportunities. After six months at Rödl & Partner, I can confidently say that I have found this environment in my daily professional life at the locations in OWL. I have direct contact and the opportunity at any time to coordinate personally and on complex legal issues with my partner in charge, Thomas Lang, and the other team members.

Nicolas RajkoLawyer


How do you balance out while working?

I try to spend as much time as possible with my family after work. Our daughter is only a few months old. It gives me great pleasure to explore the world with her. In doing so, I can avoid the stress of everyday life and switch off very well.

On the weekends, I like to meet up with friends, preferably in social gatherings with good food and a glass of wine. I also use exercise to balance things out. This works very well for me with regular running rounds or tennis.


What do you recommend young talents who want to follow a similar path to you?

At an early stage, I would try to work in various law firms as an intern, legal trainee or research assistant. As part of the day-to-day work, you can quickly identify which law firm you would like to work in. In my experience, this helps immensely to know which law firm you would like to work in before you start your career.



Thank you very much for the exciting interview Nicolas. We wish you all the best for your future career.



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