The Taxperience program helps me to set specific priorities in my studies by allowing me to get to know different areas better.

Tijana BudjevacIntern Taxperience


What opportunities does Taxperience offer you?

The Taxperience program helps me to set specific priorities in my studies by allowing me to get to know different areas better. You often don’t think things through at an early stage of your studies, but thanks to the many new contacts and discussions, I was able to weigh up my goals more clearly and make well-founded decisions.


What does a typical working day as an intern at Rödl & Partner look like?

Each day offers a welcome variety. I start work at 8.30am and finish at 5.30pm. In the mornings, I usually meet with my head of department to discuss various topics I have researched and then go through them with her. I am often shown client cases to learn from and consolidate my knowledge. I am in constant communication with my colleagues, who are always happy to help me with questions and take the time to answer them.


How would you describe Rödl & Partner in 3 words?

Stimulating, inspiring, authentic.


Do you already know what will happen after your internship?

I am very much looking forward to being taken on as a working student in the field of national & international structural consulting, as I have acquired an advantageous foundation through the Taxperience program, which will prove to be very helpful in my future work as a working student.


How nice, congratulations! To whom and for what reasons would you recommend Taxperience?

The internship really helped me to weigh up which areas I would like to go into later and how my career will progress with regard to my studies. I would recommend the program to anyone who is undecided about their career choice, needs support in setting a focus or wants to get to know a completely new area.


Thank you very much for the interview, Tijana.


I would recommend the program to anyone who is undecided about their career choice, needs support in setting a focus or wants to get to know a completely new area.

Tijana BudjevacIntern Taxperience
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Further information about our modular programme in tax consulting.

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