

This website and the information it contains are a non-binding offer of information and are intended for general information purposes. It does not constitute legal, tax or business advice, nor can it replace individual advice.

Rödl & Partner endeavours to take the greatest possible care in the preparation of the website and the information contained therein, but Rödl & Partner is not liable for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information.

The information contained herein does not relate to a specific situation of an individual or legal entity, therefore professional advice should always be sought in specific individual cases. Rödl & Partner accepts no responsibility for decisions made by the user on the basis of this website and the information contained therein. Our contact persons are at your disposal.

This website contains references (hyperlinks) to other (external) websites. Rödl & Partner has checked the content of the linked websites at the time of linking. Nevertheless, Rödl & Partner cannot accept any responsibility for the content of websites to which this website refers and which have been set up by third parties. The providers of the linked websites are solely liable for their content and for any damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information contained therein.